Campaign on Terra Nova
Terra Nova is a planetoid-a moon base of sorts with its origin being a devastated planet. It’s spherical land amounts to being exactly the size of Texas.
The Forces available
A solitary Zoanthrope-This creature contains vast amounts of Squat DNA. It roams about parts unknown
“The Squat Bikers”-These are a squad of relicts to their kind, hunting and being dogs of war.
Eldar Garrison-The Eldar control a vast complex. It is a mining facility and it also has the atmosphere generator aboard, making it rain constantly.
Tau Expats-These are a platoon of Fire Warriors accompanied by a sizeable Kroot contingent. They are stranded and need various parts for their ship.
Orks-The Orks are emergent from their pods and control a trading post whereby they manufacture large vehicles to blast through the wastes.
Mordians?-If they show, it’s for Admech and/or exterminator reasons. Their base is a barracks.
Each army will only have finite troop numbers, visa vi suggested casualty recovery table, and an experience table, with a small reserves base. Withdrawal tactically available. The forces are dividable.
The armies will amount to 500 points apiece circa 3rd, but adapted to 2nd edition values. :)
The battles will be of objective-pursuits and missions. There’ll be a pair of secret objectives doled out to each true faction-the Squats & Zoanthrope being tertiary forces.
Terrain-mostly barren wastes, rock outcroppings, etc. There’s a strange petrified forest on one portion of the planetoid, stretching for miles.
Special Terrains
Jeb’s Gas Bar-Jeb don’t broach no tomfoolery. Sells info & vehicles. Jeb is a Space Marine terminator, with a pair of assistants-probably two space marines, or one and a xeno. They sell info & vehicles.
The alcove with the ancient siege dreadnought. 5 Maguffins. The automated fortress; the hoverskiff; derelict town; the old mine.
Omni-skull:provides radar data, locations of items, etc.
Folding Hoverboard:a retracting, fast, nigh-invincible weapon from the Dark Age of Technology
One-shot tactical Nuclear Launcher: shoots with scatter dice, eradicates a 1 foot radius area with a S10 D6 wounds hit.
The Factory Carrier:a war machine that produces weaponry in its bay. Attaches to the Omni-skull.
Entombed Man of Iron
Mission Cards
10 Claim Maguffin X cards, 2 for each
2 Claim Maguffin X & Y cards
3 Destroy an enemy camp cards
1 Defeat the Zoanthrope for DNA extraction-turns body to an object
1 Trash Jeb’s Gas Bar
1 Control the fortress
1 Blow up the atmosphere generator!
1 Wipe out the neutrally-aligned Squat Bikers
1 Repair and man the radio tower
1 Control the Siege Dreadnought
2 Occupy/cordone derelict town
Two Point Mission Cards
1 Commandeer & Joyride an enemy vehicle mission
1 Find the STC in the old mine mission
1 Establish science facility mission
1 Capture 20 POW mission
1 Destroy 3 Maguffins mission
Item Cards
Dune Buggie
Derelict Dune Buggie-takes D6 turns to repair
5 orcs of feral nature
rope spool
power crystal
extra gas still
speeder jetbike
rations crate
gambling tent
frag & frakk grenades
radio tower
dismantled old APC-takes 3D6 turns to repair
derelict complex
Fusilage part A
Fusilage part B
Fusilage part C
portable water-still
off-road tank
agricultural tools
fabricated bio-greenhouse
rations crate
rations crate
+1 gun attachments
rations heavy load
rations crate
rations crate
rations crate
omni servo-skull
factory carrier
folding hoverboard
sarcophagus of iron
tactical nuclear launcher
siege dreadnought
extra gas still
rations heavy load
rations crate
2 wyches
medical supplies
small tactical dreadnought-takes 2d6 turns to fix
used squat towel
mechanics wagon
extra gas still
rations heavy load
back-up industrial generator
1 man teleporter
rations crate
wagon wagon
wagon wagon
wagon wagon
wagon wagon
autonomous wagon
autonomous wagon
autonomous wagon
mule wagon
Additional Notes
Units are headpins stuck to a small globe.