An image of the Work-in-progress Bar for the Terra Nova campaign. It's developed since this shot was taken, and features pieces from what I believe to be i-Kore Void.
Here we have the exterior view of it atop its scenic base.
An image of part of the interior. Still needs painted.

This here's the Siege Dreadnought in repose. Waiting to be finished...

The Terminators at the bar are mad that the Zyanthrope killed Tyco. So they use a pic of it as target practice.

An image of a kitbashed abhuman-high int, low cl, boon to cover saves.

The two stand-ins for colour commentary when the Mordians are played.

The world as mounted on a CD case, non oblate latitude and longittude lines as yet needing affixed..

A Zoat roams the land like a pony express man.

The pair of Pony Express riders, post-varnish.

The Siege Dreadnought

A Loam Zombie, a monster-among-monsters, for to be encountered at a tactful rate in the badlands. Such fare also sprouts outcroppings of scorpion swarms and feral camels due to Eldar.

An Eldar petty officer.

The Ork General

Surplus image

This special scenery piece came doubly convenient for being included with the Perry miniatures box.

Exodite Dragon Knights
Further images of Jeb's Bar, given lighting and paint!

The Siege Dreadnought, awaiting weapons refit and with a Tzeentchian renegade space mariness and Ork Mechaniak for scale.