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This here's where we stick the varied forces at-hand for the Terra Nova Campaign

You can see here the Browner ab humans, the Savage First biker gang, the Zoanthrope (bastitch), and the varied nomads that trekk the more habitable areas of the campaign. They're being painted!

This here's a swatch of some of the Eldar gang. The hoverbikes aren't done yet. Note the custom boombox.

The Mordians, their custom preachers, an Ork Meganob looms in the distance.

A later assembly of miscellanious forces-the Bar staff, the Eldar, many of the Moonraker Miniatures biker sorts, the "Savage First" Squats, the Meganob general...a Vinegaroon seeming Scorpion, it's awesome.

The Squat Bikers, again.

A section of Goff Orks painted luminescently.

The Horsemen are drawing near-errrrr!

An awesome picture I took at a going.

A splay of some WIPs

An array of more mans, you can see some of the cards utilized atop the figure carriers.
The start of the newly included Praetorians, and the secretive Keytar Wizard afoot in the background-an addition from a site called Ramshackle Games, and in the foreground, Victoria Miniatures' Penal Squads.