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Preamble Game-first with 2nd:

Shank and Iltigre Battle!

We'd each 60 points-Shank, a pair of Goff Orkz, bolter pistol and axe apiece, one with a Scanner to spot hidden units, and 6 Gretchin.
Iltigre, a set of 5 Eldar dual-wielding 5 laspistols, one also bearing a plasma pistol. The battlefield of a scotch tape roll, a juice bottle, and a deodorant stick. That'd be a power generator, a silo, and an outhouse. The Eldar's vast intellects spewn forth them as first to go, two fellas took cover behind the outhouse, as another pair ran forth blasting around the power generator, the plasma guy moseying around behind the outhouse, too. The gunfire yielded scant but 2 dead Gretchin. The remaining 6 Greenskins moved forward, slaughtering the two advancing Eldar with their autoguns and bolter pistols, as the outhouse fellas ineptly spurted their gunfire out, listing a single further Gretchin down, before they in turn were blown away. The Plasma Pistol bearing Eldar then ran to close range, the hope being to fell the two Orks with sustained fire. Of course, then, the inevitable one was rolled. As the two orks with the gretchin encircled him in melee, that last Eldar became as the Berserk, slaughtering the lot of them over two combat steps, in a flurry of 2nd Edition powermandom. The one gretchin out of melee range lifted its autogun and shot futiley before having its face plasma'd into a gulp.

There stands Elfman, being that the model's not wielding a plasma pistol, he regardless is besot with the guts of Orks and such. It bears reiterating, the deoderant stick is the outhouse, etc.

Shank was pretty mad after all was said and done, plus I told him I double tapped all his casualties and medkitted mine.

Doozerin around

Game 2: Enter the Nukid
140 points of Mordians arranged themselves thereabouts, that is to say a veteran sergeant and a squad backed by a lascannon (reinforced by an eldar chassis for lack of parts). There across was a pair of Grey Knight Terminators, from the Nukid's forces of Praetorian Guard. There, in the upper left, was Shank's forces-3 Goff Orks, 20 Gretchin with autoguns, and a lone Gretchin rounder that'd forgot to pack ammo, given in lieu a finished base.

You can see we were there to squabble a defunct APC. I, Iltigre, was to go second. The Grey Knights stomped forth, lobbing some cursory fire at the Gretchin, downing one such mensch, and failing a sustained fire shot with a jam, and missing my aptly-named to be seen Mordians in turn.

My turn'd dropped a Gretchin too, despite a slieu of 1's and 2's rolled all around. My Veteran Sargeant kept to the middle as my men started spanning out. The Gretchin fiends lost a solitary man subsequent to the Grey Knight Terminators, but those horrid greenskins slew two of my troops. The aptly named Mordians and the Gretchins and even the Orks' bolters could do NOTHING to those awful 2d6 on 3+ Terminators.

Not much was happening, but those storm bolters sure did a number on my troops, indeed. my Veteran Sargeant and the fella remnant dauntless lobbed krak grenades at the Terminators as battle seemed ineffectual everywhere regardless.

The trooper proved himself a real man, at last smacking down a termie with some Krak. The Lascannon ripped through the other, but my forces courtesy of the winking about a truce up til now Shank's greenskins took out the last of my men on the other side of the APC. In the middle of my triumphal roaring, he suggested we should end the game in a truce. It didn't take....

The next few rounds are a blur of run and gun. Here, we can see a round of the remaining four, the first round after this, where the same trooper who killed the terminator landed a grenade and slew four Gretchin.

The Greenskins swarmed all around the APC, slaying the Veteran Sargeant. My lascannon man went insane with anger and charged up in an attempt to grenade the orks to the last, rather than trying to boom the APC with them all around it. He got wiped, the day belonged to Shank.