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Logistics in Terra Nova
"a good game is chiselled to make quirks"

Waypoints & Trails
Waypoints come in 3 modes
Caches-Propietary to the player's concealed stuff
Fortified Positions- As above, but with a Pillbox. 3 Scrap cards
Outposts-As fortified position, but as bunker. 5 Scrap cards
Trails are estabilished by marking the Badlands. Establishing a marked area ensures travel with minimal chance
of gettiing lost.
Untrailed travel at that rate requires the expedition to pass a Coolness check on the highest rating
or the expedition has to enter a scenario with randomized wildlife and foray off of the correct side of the table (referee secretly marks)

Search & Recovery (by turn rate)
Cursory check-Roll under the troop count of expedition on D6 to find something (6 fails)-takes 2 time units
Fulll Search-but best result on 2d6.(3 time units)
A grid can sustain a total search checks' worth of rolls adding up to 12! The referee keeps track of such counts.

Infantry is fed a ration a day.
Orks can substitute a gretchin for 10 rations,
Kroot count as fed subsequent to conflict
Mordians have 50 extra strating rations
Eldar eat 9/10ths fraction of rations.

Wounds and Recovery
D6 throw against Strength of incapacitating blow, and rolled under is dead.
Otherwise, recovery on a 6 thrown at game turn.